Monday, May 13, 2013

Nutella donuts!

Yesterday I was in a cooking mood, probably because I spent all day Saturday curled up on the couch with a hangover and did absolutely nothing.
I found a recipe on pinterest from and decided to give it a whirl, I had everything in the pantry so why not. 
Just some pics of my process, the only thing I did different from the original recipe is I used whole wheat white King Arthur flour instead of white baking flour, and they turned out fine, maybe a bit dry but not bad at all. I also didn't have any hazelnuts laying around to crush for topping, however I will be picking up some sprinkles to keep in the pantry for the next time I make these, just to jazz them up a bit. 

The recipe used cornstarch and white vinegar, 2 things I found very odd but worked perfect in the recipe. These are pretty tasty and healthy donuts, they only had 1 egg and 1 tablespoon of butter, I used fat free milk, and all my ingredients are as clean and organic as I can get them. 

 The nutella you mix with a bit of cream, I used fat free half and half, it's just to get it to a consistency where you can dip the donut in for a glaze look. I think the next time I will use a hungry girl icing recipe, you just mix a sugar free pudding cup with some regular icing and it has a nice texture and less fat and calories than the nutella. I will definitely be making these donuts again and again!

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